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While Believers Eastern Church makes every effort to provide accurate information, the content provided on the website is “as is” and Believers Eastern Church makes no warranties regarding the content on the website. Numbers posted are accurate as on the date it was posted or updated. Believers Eastern Church will not in any way be held responsible for any damages or loss arising out of the use of the information on the website.

Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Believers Eastern Church takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

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Believers Eastern Church is committed to respect your online privacy and security.

We may use personal information you enter on our website to: process and send notices about your transactions, provide any services you request and send you information about and related to Believers Eastern Church.

Believers Eastern Church will not sell, lease, or trade your personal information. It is not publicly accessible. Unless we are compelled by a subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure to share your personal information with law enforcement, government officials or other third parties, it is accessed only by those who are authorized by Believers Eastern Church.

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Refund Policy

Once a receipt for a donation has been issued, we are unable to provide any refunds. If you require a refund before a receipt has been issued, please Contact Us to request the refund.

Privacy Policy: We will not sell, lease or trade your information.

Sister's Letter from Aunty Gisela YohannanClick Here
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