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The Believers Eastern Church unites millions of believers in over 15,000 parishes who follow Jesus Christ according to the historic biblical faith. The church consists of 57 dioceses across 14 nations.


The Believers Eastern Church has its faith and practices rooted in the Holy Tradition of the ancient Church, including Holy Scripture, the apostolic doctrines, and the Nicene Creed. We are thoroughly biblical in nature, eastern in worship, and episcopal in governance.


Our church represents more than 300 languages, ministering inter-culturally, near-culturally, and cross-culturally. We represent the Orthodox faith in a relevant way, never compromising with the culture but actively bringing Christ's love to all of humanity in word and deed, regardless of caste, creed, or religion.


We follow the liturgical tradition of worship established by the Church Fathers, with the Eucharist (Holy Communion) as the central rite of regular worship. The Spirit breathes life into the rites of community worship and unites us to worship the Triune God as one body, the bride of Christ. The Believers Eastern Church believes that the sacraments are a means to receiving grace and are essential to the spiritual growth of God's people.


To be a Christian means to follow Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Bible. Christians believe Jesus is God and have put their faith in His sacrificial death on the cross for our salvation. We actively follow Him as our Lord and Saviour. We believe in the Trinitarian worship as revealed in the Scriptures: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

As members of the body of Christ, God desires that we live out our faith not as individuals separate from each other, but rather as members of the church. We also look forward to the time when Christ returns for His Bride, the Church.

In Hank Hanegraaff’s book, Truth Matters, Life Matters More, he explains, “Salvation means far more than being ‘saved from sin': we are saved for sonship, to be divinely adopted sons and daughters of God. Forgiveness is the precondition for God’s greater gift, the gift that will last beyond our death: the gift of divine life.’1 Thus, it may be said with a certainty that, for we who were shipwrecked, the port of salvation is not the sole goal. The goal is the resumption of a ‘journey whose sole goal is union with God.’2 You and I are destined for fellowship in the Holy Trinity, sharing in the life of God just as God has shared in our humanity. This, then, is the life that matters more.”3

As a natural response to God's love and forgiveness of our sins, worshipping and obeying God becomes the center of a Christian's life. Jesus' primary commandment was to love God and people. Learning to love as Jesus intended us to and following in His Footsteps are the ongoing pursuits of a Christian's life. This includes living a life in which we are actively sharing Christ's love with others and keeping ourselves free from sin.

Believers Eastern Church is profoundly committed to the Orthodox faith and worship that transforms us into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Theosis, the spiritual journey of being partakers of the divine nature according to 2 Peter 1:4, is best accomplished through embracing the sacramental life and worship where God alone is the audience. The more we gaze into His face in worship, the more we become like Him.

1 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 NIV 1984

2Habermas, Historical Jesus, 154; Craig L. Blomberg, “Where Do We Start Studying Jesus?” in Jesus Under Fire, 42-43; cf. Craig, Reasonable Faith, 362.

3Hank Hanegraaff, Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2019), p. 115.

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